MicroVue™ Pan-Specific C3 Reagent Kit

The MicroVue Pan-Specific C3 Reagent Kit in conjunction with the MicroVue SC5b-9 Plus EIA, detects the depletion of Complement protein C3 in various animal species.

Product Specifications

Citations 1

10-15 IU/mL heparin plasma. 50 µg/mL hirudin plasma.

Assay Time 2.5 hours
Cross Reactivity

Bovine, Chicken, Dog, Goat, Guinea Pig, Horse, Mini Pig, Pig, Rabbit, Rat, Sheep and Turkey

Ordering Information

For Research Use Only in the United States. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Catalog Number 20261
Catalog Number (CE)  
Size View product insert.
Price (USD) $325.00
Price (EURO) 295,00 €

Contact us

US Phone+1 (858) 552 1100
EU Phone+353 (91) 412 474
US Emailcontact-us@quidelortho.com
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The MicroVue Pan-Specific C3 Reagent Kit in conjunction with the MicroVue SC5b-9 Plus EIA, detects the depletion of Complement protein C3 in various animal species.

Size View product insert.

View product insert.

Specimen 10-15 IU/mL heparin plasma. 50 µg/mL hirudin plasma.
Limit of Detection (LOD) N/A
Lower Limit of Quantitation (LLOQ) N/A
Upper Limit of Quantitation (ULOQ) N/A
Intra Assay N/A
Inter Assay N/A
Standards N/A
Controls 1
Sample Values


Assay Time 2.5 hours
Cross Reactivity

Bovine, Chicken, Dog, Goat, Guinea Pig, Horse, Mini Pig, Pig, Rabbit, Rat, Sheep and Turkey


Store at 2°C to 8°C.


The complement system (C-system) is a protein cascade of the immune system consisting of greater than 30 plasma and cell membrane proteins. It provides a first line of defense against microbial attacks against the body, orchestrating their clearance and initiation of long-term immunity. As revealed recently, the C-system also has important activities in some non-immune physiological processes, such as conception and tissue regeneration. Besides its essential role in maintaining health, the importance of the C-system in medicine lies in the fact that a large number of acute and chronic diseases are associated with abnormalities in complement function. Accordingly, quantitative analysis of different complement proteins and their activation by-products are of great practical importance in experimental and clinical medicine. There are numerous immunological methods for complement testing, including ELISA-based kits measuring complement cleavage products as markers of complement activation. However, most of the commercially available ELISAs are human specific, leaving an expanding need for animal testing of complement activation largely unmet.