MicroVue™ CIC-C1q Controls

The CIC-C1q Controls are intended for use as controls in the MicroVue CIC EIA and contains one vial each of Low (Normal) and High (Abnormal) Control with volumes sufficient for single use.

Product Specifications

Citations 0

The CIC-C1q Controls are intended for use as controls in the MicroVue CIC EIA and contains one vial each of Low (Normal) and High (Abnormal) Control with volumes sufficient for single use.

Storage Must be stored at –20°C or below

Frozen Liquid

Concentration N/A

See citations and technical data sheet for application info.

Ordering Information

For In Vitro Diagnostic Use.
Catalog Number A013
Catalog Number (CE) N/A
Size 0.2 mL
Price (USD) $51.00
Price (EURO) 45,00 €

Contact us

US Phone+1 (858) 552 1100
EU Phone+353 (91) 412 474
US Emailcontact-us@quidelortho.com
EU Emailcontact-emea@quidelortho.com



The CIC-C1q Controls are intended for use as controls in the MicroVue CIC EIA and contains one vial each of Low (Normal) and High (Abnormal) Control with volumes sufficient for single use.

Size 0.2 mL

Must be stored at –20°C or below

Form Frozen Liquid
Concentration N/A
Applications See citations and technical data sheet for application info.
Purity N/A


Activity N/A
Molecular Weight N/A

Elevated circulating immune complexes (CIC) have been detected in serum or plasma obtained from patients with a variety of diseases, for example, from patients with autoimmune disorders, leukemia, various cancers, bacterial or viral infections. CIC determinations can be important in the diagnosis or prognosis of certain diseases (e.g., SLE1 and rheumatoid arthritis). Several immunological techniques such as the Raji Cell assay, C1q deviation test, conglutinin test, fluid phase C1q binding procedures, rheumatoid factor assay, PEG precipitin test, and solidphase C1q assays have been described to detect or quantitate CIC. The MicroVue CIC EIA uses human C1q in the solid phase to capture CIC.