Factor H Antibody (Polyclonal)

A goat antiserum raised against human Factor H.

Product Specifications

Citations 32


Immunogen Highly purified human Factor H
Applications See citations and technical data sheet for application info.
Concentration > 40 mg/mL
Conjugate Unconjugated
Cross Reactivity

Human, Baboon, Horse, Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Hamster, Mouse, Rat, Guinea Pig

Ordering Information

For Research Use Only in the United States. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Catalog Number A312
Catalog Number (CE) N/A
Size 2.0 mL
Price (USD) $200.00
Price (EURO) 175,00 €

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EU Phone+353 (91) 412 474
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A goat antiserum raised against human Factor H.

Size 2.0 mL

> 40 mg/mL

Applications See citations and technical data sheet for application info.
Form Liquid. Whole Antiserum. ≤ 0.1% Sodium Azide
Clonality Polyclonal
Immunogen Highly purified human Factor H
Conjugate Unconjugated
Cross Reactivity Human, Baboon, Horse, Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Hamster, Mouse, Rat, Guinea Pig
Isotype Goat IgG
Purity N/A


Specificity The Anti-human Factor H polyclonal antisera was tested against normal human serum/plasma by immunodiffusion, one-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis, and rocket immunoelectrophoresis. The antisera was determined to be monospecific for Factor H at varying concentrations.

Short term (30 days) 4˚C. Long term at or below –20˚C.


Factor H is a single-chain glycoprotein with a molecular weight of approximately 150 KD. The concentration of this protein in normal human plasma/serum is approximately 500 µg/mL. Factor H can regulate the complement system on both the cellular surface and in fluid phase, and plays roles in both the alternative and classical pathways of activation. Factor H regulates formation and function of C3 convertase enzyme in the alternative pathway. It binds to C3b and inhibits C3 convertase formation, dissociates assembled C3 convertase, accelerates Factor I mediated cleavage of C3b to C3bi, and hinders C5 binding to the C3b subcomponent of both the alternative and classical pathways. Factor H also regulates the spontaneous fluid-phase activation of the alternative complement pathway by C3b-like forms of C3 that continuously arise in plasma and serum. Therefore, when concentrations of Factor H fall below normal levels, rapid fluid-phase activation occurs which causes consumption of complement components both in vivo and in vitro.