C4 Deficient Sera (guinea pig)

Guinea pig serum depleted of complement C4 protein.

Product Specifications

Citations 0

Guinea pig serum depleted of complement C4 protein.

Storage Store at -70°C or below. Minimize freeze/thaw cycles.

Frozen liquid. No preservative, 0.22 µm filtered.

Concentration >30 mg protein/mL (refer to CoA for lot specific concentration).

See citations and technical data sheet for application info.

Ordering Information

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Catalog Number A507
Catalog Number (CE) N/A
Size 1.0 mL
Price (USD) $230.00
Price (EURO) 210,00 €

Contact us

US Phone+1 (858) 552 1100
EU Phone+353 (91) 412 474
US Emailcontact-us@quidelortho.com
EU Emailcontact-emea@quidelortho.com



Guinea pig serum depleted of complement C4 protein.

Size 1.0 mL

Store at -70°C or below. Minimize freeze/thaw cycles.

Form Frozen liquid. No preservative, 0.22 µm filtered.
Concentration >30 mg protein/mL (refer to CoA for lot specific concentration).
Applications See citations and technical data sheet for application info.
Purity No C4 detectable by hemolytic assay.

Guinea pigs genetically deficient in C4

Activity >1,000,000 C4H50 units/mg C4 added to assay with C4-D GPS.
Molecular Weight N/A

C4-deficient guinea pigs were characterized in 1971 as being completely genetically and functionally deficient in C4. The product is tested for the absence of C4 by functional assays for classical pathway activity.


Title Year Applications Sample Species Sample Sample Details