With our MicroTip partners, we offer additional assays for our MicroTip-enabled VITROS Systems, helping you diagnose patients. Find the assays you need for key areas of care, including diabetes, cardiac, renal, immunosuppression and substance use disorders.
MPAs use the User-Defined Assay (UDA) feature with 20 open chemistry channels available for programming. MPAs can be used on the following MicroTip-capable VITROS Systems:
VITROS XT 7600 and VITROS 5600 Integrated Systems
The innovative built-in intelligent technologies of our VITROS Systems extend to MPA and UDA testing:*
Intellicheck® Technology
Smart Metering
For technical guidance, see our UDA Guides:
Lab Specialists can assist with MPA setup and validation. Our technical solutions team provides initial support for MPAs.
Order MPAs directly with this form: U.S. MPA Order Form
*See the Assay Application Sheets for specific VITROS system validation information.
We work with strategic vendors to provide your lab with the assays you need
Learn more about our strategic MPA vendors,*† and get the technical documentation you need.
*See the Assay Application Sheets for specific VITROS system validation information.
†May not be available in all countries.
**For Criminal Justice and Forensic Use Only