C7 Protein

Purified human C7 protein

Product Specifications

Citations 5

Purified human C7 protein

Storage Store at -70°C or below. Avoid freeze/thaw.

Frozen liquid. 10 mM sodium phosphate, 145 mM NaCl, pH 7.3. No preservative, 0.22 µm filtered.

Concentration 1.0 mg/mL (refer to CoA for lot specific concentration)

See citations and technical data sheet for application info.

Ordering Information

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Catalog Number A405
Catalog Number (CE) N/A
Size 250 µL
Price (USD) $295.00
Price (EURO) 265,00 €

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Purified human C7 protein

Size 250 µL

Store at -70°C or below. Avoid freeze/thaw.

Form Frozen liquid. 10 mM sodium phosphate, 145 mM NaCl, pH 7.3. No preservative, 0.22 µm filtered.
Concentration 1.0 mg/mL (refer to CoA for lot specific concentration)
Applications See citations and technical data sheet for application info.
Purity >90% by SDS-PAGE

Normal human serum

Activity >95% versus normal human serum standard
Molecular Weight 92,400 Da (single chain)

Purified human complement component C7. Complement component C7 is unique to the terminal complement pathway. It is a single chain protein with a molecular weight of 110 kD and is present in plasma at approximately 55 mg/L. Together with the other proteins of the terminal pathway, C7 forms the membrane attack complex or MAC.