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#40: She's not 'just tired': Exposing the hidden thyroid epidemic in women

Duration: 10 Minutes

Sep 25, 2024

Did you know that women are 10 times more likely than men to develop a thyroid condition, yet often remain undiagnosed due to medical bias and lack of awareness? We often see women present themselves to an emergency department with health concerns that are brushed off as “stress” or “weight-related” versus conducting diagnostic testing to identify the root cause.

How can we address that? 

Don’t miss this episode on how healthcare providers can address these types of biases including timeliness of diagnosis, screening practices and interpretation of lab results to enhance the quality of care for women with thyroid conditions.

This educational podcast activity is brought to you by QuidelOrtho Corporation., and is not certified for continuing medical education. QuidelOrtho Corporation sponsors the program, and the speaker must present information following applicable FDA requirements.

About our Speaker:
About our Speaker:
Jeff Houtz

Senior Global Product Manager


Jeff Houtz is the Senior Global Product Manager for QuidelOrtho covering thyroid and reproductive endocrine products. Jeff has 35 years of experience in research


In addition to assay development Jeff is passionate about patient advocacy which is why he has worked closely with the Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation and


Jeff is also a family man married for 30 years with 2 wonderful kids.


Jeff Houtz is the Senior Global Product Manager for QuidelOrtho covering thyroid and reproductive endocrine products. Jeff has 35 years of experience in research and development, product development and medical education in a variety of disease states including reproductive and thyroid disorders. Providing accurate and meaningful diagnoses in furtherance of improved healthcare has always been a driver and motivator. Jeff has been instrumental in creating numerous CME and P.A.C.E.-accredited content for physicians, nurses and laboratorians in the U.S. and Europe.


In addition to assay development Jeff is passionate about patient advocacy which is why he has worked closely with the Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation and Thyroid Federation International. Jeff has also collaborated with LifeTime TV in support of programs on The Balancing Act and Access Health surrounding thyroid disease.


Jeff is also a family man married for 30 years with 2 wonderful kids.


In this episode, we'll discuss:

  • How diagnostics can play a critical role in identifying and addressing thyroid issues in women, opening the correct channels for treatment options before conditions worsen
  • What doctors/patients need to know when it comes to diagnosing a thyroid condition