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Resources | Investigator-Initiated Studies

Find the resources and information you need to prepare and submit your request to QuidelOrtho for investigator-initiated studies.

Professionals using a microscope.

What is an investigator-initiated study (IIS)?

An IIS is a research effort in which an independent investigator initiates and conducts a study, and the investigator, often an academic or healthcare institution, is the study sponsor. The investigator assumes all responsibility for complying with applicable regulatory requirements.

QuidelOrtho does not act as the study investigator or sponsor but may provide product or financial support within the following guidelines:

  • QuidelOrtho support for an IIS may be in the form of material or product support or financial funding, as allowed under local laws and regulations. 
  • IIS requests must align with QuidelOrtho’s areas of interest and should benefit the greater body of knowledge in in vitro diagnostics.