
ELISA Kits for Clinical Use

Our enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) can help your lab quickly and accurately detect and quantify substances. These versatile and sensitive assays can be used to diagnose diseases like osteoporosis and monitor treatment.

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ELISA Kits for Clinical Use

MicroVue™ BAP EIA

The MicroVue BAP EIA provides a quantitative measure of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP) activity in serum.

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MicroVue™ DPD EIA

The MicroVue DPD EIA offers a laboratory test that measures deoxypyridinoline cross-links (Dpd).

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MicroVue™ PYD EIA

The MicroVue PYD provides a quantitative measure of pyridinium cross-links (Pyd and Dpd) as an indicator of type I collagen resorption, especially bone collagen.

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MicroVue™ Bb Plus EIA

The MicroVue Bb Plus EIA kit measures the amount of the complement fragment Bb in human plasma or serum.

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MicroVue™ C1-Inhibitor Plus EIA

The MicroVue C1-lnhibitor EIA measures the amount of functional C1-lnhibitor protein in human plasma or serum.

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MicroVue™ CH50 Eq EIA

The MicroVue CH50 Eq EIA measures the total classical complement pathway activity in human serum and allows detection of a deficiency of one or more of the complement components C1 through C9.

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MicroVue™ CIC-C1q EIA

The MicroVue CIC-C1q EIA is designed for detection of C1q binding circulating immune complexes in human serum and plasma.

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MicroVue™ CIC-Raji Cell Replacement EIA (CIC-C3d)

The MicroVue CIC-Raji Cell Replacement Enzyme Immunoassay measures immune complexes containing C3 activation fragments in human serum and plasma.

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