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D3®  DFA Chlamydiae Culture Confirmation Kit
D3® Products
D3®  DFA Chlamydiae Culture Confirmation Kit

The D3 DFA Chlamydiae Culture confirmation kit is intended for the qualitative identification of chlamydiae lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in inoculated cell cultures by immunofluorescence using fluoresceinated monoclonal antibodies (MAbs).

In 2020, the World Health Organization estimated 374 million new STI infections with chlamydia being the most reported at 129 million cases.* The need for rapid, accurate chlamydiae culture still exists. Why risk a weak link in your chlamydiae diagnostic chain? Quidel offers a full system approach.

  • Cell culture is still the gold standard

  • A complete system approach to the isolation and identification of chlamydiae spp

  • Large or small laboratories, QuidelOrtho has a solution to match y our needs

Please see chart below for ordering information.

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D3® Products
D3®  DFA Chlamydiae Culture Confirmation Kit
D3®  DFA Chlamydiae Culture Confirmation Kit

The D3 DFA Chlamydiae Culture confirmation kit is intended for the qualitative identification of chlamydiae lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in inoculated cell cultures by immunofluorescence using fluoresceinated monoclonal antibodies (MAbs).

In 2020, the World Health Organization estimated 374 million new STI infections with chlamydia being the most reported at 129 million cases.* The need for rapid, accurate chlamydiae culture still exists. Why risk a weak link in your chlamydiae diagnostic chain? Quidel offers a full system approach.

  • Cell culture is still the gold standard

  • A complete system approach to the isolation and identification of chlamydiae spp

  • Large or small laboratories, QuidelOrtho has a solution to match y our needs

Please see chart below for ordering information.

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Ordering information
Catalog number Description Kit size / Case size
01-040000 D3 DFA Chlamydiae Culture Confirmation Kit 
Kit includes:
01-045005 D3 DFA Chlamydia Reagent 5 mL
01-02007b Mounting Fluid (pH 8.0-8.4) 7 mL
01-090025 40X PBS Concentrate 25 mL
N/A Chlamydia Antigen Control Slides 5


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