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Quidel Triage® Cardiac Panel
Triage® MeterPro
Quidel Triage® Cardiac Panel

The Quidel Triage cardiac panel is a rapid, point of care fluorescence immunoassay used with the Quidel Triage MeterPro. This test is designed to determine the level of creatine kinase MB (CK-MB), myoglobin and troponin I in EDTA anticoagulated whole blood or plasma specimens. This can be used as an aid in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction (injury).

Please see chart below for ordering information.

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Triage® MeterPro
Quidel Triage® Cardiac Panel
Quidel Triage® Cardiac Panel

The Quidel Triage cardiac panel is a rapid, point of care fluorescence immunoassay used with the Quidel Triage MeterPro. This test is designed to determine the level of creatine kinase MB (CK-MB), myoglobin and troponin I in EDTA anticoagulated whole blood or plasma specimens. This can be used as an aid in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction (injury).

Please see chart below for ordering information.

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Ordering information
 Catalog Number Description
 97000HS Quidel Triage Cardiac Panel  
 97000HSEU (Worldwide) Quidel Triage Cardiac Panel
 97021HS Quidel Triage Cardiac Panel, Troponin I  
 97022HS Quidel Triage Cardiac Panel, CK-MB and Troponin I
 88753 (Worldwide) Quidel Triage Total 5 Control 1  
 88754 (Worldwide) Quidel Triage Total 5 Control 2
 88755 (Worldwide) Quidel Triage Total 5 Calibration Verification  

Features & benefits

Provides meaningful diagnostic information to differentiate acute myocardial infarction (AMI) from other cardiac abnormalities.1

Has a near perfect NPV (99.9%) that allows for rapid rule out.2

Has the potential to decrease ED Length Of Stay (LOS) and turnaround time (TAT).


1. Quidel Triage Cardiac Panel Package Insert

2. Ng SM, Krishnaswamy P, Morissey R, Clopton P, Fitzgerald R, Maisel AS. Ninety minute accelerated critical pathway for chest pain evaluation. Am J Cardiol. 2001; 104: 1454-1456.


Find what you need

To access safety data sheets, package inserts, quick reference guides and all other technical and promotional materials, visit our technical documents library.


Technical documentation


Product specifications
Sample type Plasma or whole blood in EDTA
Time to results Yields results in about 20 minutes  
CLIA complexity Moderate

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