Specimen Stabilizing Solution

Solution to retard the generation of complement activation fragments and complexes in human serum and plasma during processing and storage

Product Specifications

Citations 0

Solution to retard the generation of complement activation fragments and complexes in human serum and plasma during processing and storage

Storage Storage: 2°C to 8°C

Frozen Liquid

Concentration Refer to certificate of analysis

See citations and technical data sheet for application info.

Ordering Information

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Catalog Number A9576
Catalog Number (CE) N/A
Size 25 mL
Price (USD) $195.00
Price (EURO) 170,00 €

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US Phone+1 (858) 552 1100
EU Phone+353 (91) 412 474
US Emailcontact-us@quidelortho.com
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Solution to retard the generation of complement activation fragments and complexes in human serum and plasma during processing and storage

Size 25 mL

Storage: 2°C to 8°C

Form Frozen Liquid
Concentration Refer to certificate of analysis
Applications See citations and technical data sheet for application info.
Purity Refer to certificate of analysis

Refer to certificate of analysis

Activity Refer to certificate of analysis
Molecular Weight N/A

The QuidelOrtho Specimen Stabilizing Solution, when used in accordance with the procedure described below, will retard the generation of complement activation fragments and complexes in human serum and plasma during processing and storage. This product extends the stability of the specimens significantly reducing the likelihood of in vitro generated elevation of complement fragments. The Quidel Specimen Stabilizing Solution should be used for stabilizing serum and plasma specimens that cannot be tested or stored at or below –70°C, within four hours after phlebotomy. The Quidel Specimen Stabilizing Solution is intended for use with all assays designed to assess complement activation fragments, specifically the MicroVue™ iC3b, C3a, C4d, Bb Plus and SC5b-9 Plus EIA kits.


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