C4 Protein

Purified human C4 protein

Product Specifications

Citations 6

Purified human C4 protein

Storage Store at -70°C or below. Avoid freeze/thaw.

Frozen liquid. 10 mM sodium phosphate, 145 mM NaCl, pH 7.3. No preservative, 0.22 µm filtered.

Concentration 1.0 mg/mL (refer to CoA for lot specific concentration)

See citations and technical data sheet for application info.

Ordering Information

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Catalog Number A402
Catalog Number (CE) N/A
Size 250 µL
Price (USD) $325.00
Price (EURO) 290,00 €

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Purified human C4 protein

Size 250 µL

Store at -70°C or below. Avoid freeze/thaw.

Form Frozen liquid. 10 mM sodium phosphate, 145 mM NaCl, pH 7.3. No preservative, 0.22 µm filtered.
Concentration 1.0 mg/mL (refer to CoA for lot specific concentration)
Applications See citations and technical data sheet for application info.
Purity >90% by SDS-PAGE

Normal human serum

Activity >80% versus normal human serum standard
Molecular Weight 205,000 Da (3 chains)

Purified human complement component C4. C4 is one of the proteins unique to the Classical Complement Pathway. The 200 kD C4 protein is made up of three peptide chains linked by disulfide bonds and contains a thioesterbond. When the classical pathway is activated, C1s cleaves C4 to C4a (a weak anaphylatoxin) and C4b. C4b can then bind covalently to a target surface or complex. It can then function as an opsonin or participate as part classical pathway convertase. C4 has been shown to exist as two separate "complotypes" C4A and C4B. These have been shown to have different biological properties.